Make This Your Best Year So Far

Make This Your Best Year So Far

A new year, a new decade even.

How are you feeling?

I mean apart from the hangover, are you looking forward to this year?

For a lot of people that can depend on how last year was.

How would it feel if I told you this could be the best year of your life so far?

First, grab a pen and paper and let’s do a quick stock take of last year.

I want you to list all the things that you accomplished last year, then make a list of all the things that you were disappointed by.

Next, I want you to note beside each item what you learned from it.

As you write the list, notice which of those things you felt you had control over and which feel as though they “just happened to you”.

Have you had that “aha!” moment yet.

This year don’t let life happen to you, make life happen!

Let’s start now with 4 simple steps, keep that pen and paper handy and write down the answers to the questions as we go along;

What works and what doesn’t?

While we are in stock take mode, let’s stock take your life.

What would you like more of in your life?

What would you like less of?

How are you going to make that happen?

What do you need to stop doing and what do you need to start doing?

Get rid of all your excuses

We’ve all got them; no time, too tired, I’d like to but I’ve got children, I’ll never get round to it.

Or the absolute classic, “Once I get through this busy time, I’m really going to take time to sort myself out”.

Newsflash…… there will never be time unless you decide to make it happen. So make that decision now.


Make This Your Best Year So Far - Mark Darlington


Be brave

What would you do if you weren’t afraid?

Not what you think you “should” do, but that thing that would really make you come alive again?

Stop “should-ing” on yourself and separate those “shoulds” from your real priorities, the ones that will make the biggest difference to your life.

Take action

Action is power, so take action today.

Be prepared to work hard but also for changes to be easier than you might imagine.

Have a great Year!


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